Tuesday, August 6, 2013

the shadow always proves the sunshine

Hmm it´s been a while since ive last written, I dont know where to begin!

So in the last week or so there has been a lot of change and traveling.  I have been to Antigua twice in the past week, the first to send off Alex my fellow LTV and friend back to the states with  a blast and second to send off four University of Virgina friends that I met here.  Both times were ridiculously fun and refreshing, a little break from working with volunteer groups was very much needed.  At the same time it was very sad to say goodbye to such amazing people, strangers that had become the closest friends I´ve had here.  It was kind of a time where I was not looking forward to returning to San Lucas alone, but also just really thankful for the friendships that I was able to make here.  I would have never had the chance to make these connections otherwise so I am beyond greatful for that!

Nonetheless I returned to San Lucas with, in all honestly, a bad attitude.  Meeting new people every day can sometimes get to be draining and having closer friends was a really comforting way to rejuvinate from the day.  The mission was once again packed upon my return, which was a little overwhealming at first but now in retrospect I wouldnt want it any other way.  Ive been able to meet some really amazing people in just the past few days and make some friendships that feel like Ive known them forever.  Ive also met some super encouraging adults who have just confirmed and refuled my desire and passion to be in this place.  It is just simply amazing what God has done through some of the volunteers here that have encouraged me far more than they know.  I feel like God wanted me to go through that feeling of loneliness to rely on him more and believe in his plan he has for me.  I think Ive had about four different people on different occasions tell me that I am supposed to be right here right now and that God has made a plan that is perfect for me.  I think God really wanted to drive that pont down this week!

I´ve only about a week and a half left in this place so I just ask that you would pray for more passion, energy, humility and openness as I finish strong here!  I  am excited to go home, but I want to fully take advantage of this opportunity and remember to embrace every minute!