Friday, June 28, 2013

San Lucas Toliman

Overview:  I am currently in San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala volunteering for the San Lucas Mission.  I one of orignally four long term volunteers but now it is down to just two for the rest of the summer.  The mission has a number of projects that we bring groups to to do work.  The main projects are reforrestation, coffee, construction, the womens center and building brick stoves.  Every week there are different groups of Americans that come down and as LTV's (long term vollunteers) we take them to various sites show them how work is done and do the work with them.  Typically a group will do one project in the morning and another in the afternoon.  I am living in a house with the other LTV's and the vollunteer coordinator and we all happen to be from Minnesota!  It's nice to have a piece of home here with me!  I have noe been here for two weeks and will be here for a total of two months.

Before heading out on this adventure I wasn't really sure what I was doing or why.  I just knew that God wanted me to go and so I was excited scared and had no idea of what to expect.  I guess upon arrival I was kind of looking for a sign or a reason as to why I was here, it wasn't intentinal and I didn't even know that I was searching for a purpose untl one of the group leaders had pulled me aside.  She told me that the members of her group had really appreciated me and that simply my presence, even when I wasn't speaking was enough to make them all feel at home. Boom. Purpous. I guess I had wanted something ´´greater´´ from God but at that exact point in time I realized that I had to learn to just rely on him and let His presence within me be simply enough.  This is a hard thing for a busy bee such as myself to grasp.  So far it has been so wonderful.  There is a lot of down time between working and meals so I have had some time to just chill out.  I've already read three books in my time here and normally I never have time to sit down and read for enjoyment! San Lucas is also on lake Atitlan which is seriously the most beautiful lake I have seen in my entire life. Surrounded by mountains and volcanoes, this lake is SO beautiful to go across!  There are a few touristy towns across the lake which take about half an hour to get to by boat, the boat ride alone is worth the trip! God is just doing a lot through the people here who have already blessed me so much, I am simply in awe.

My favorite project as of now would be working in Reforrestation.  There is something about filling dirt bags for new trees and weeding gardens that is just so refreshing to the soul.  The Guatemalans who work there are also refreshing to the soul.  The main worker Don Tribio is so amazing, I feel like I just gain wisdom simply by being in his presence! They've also taught me how to use a machete so I've started carving a fork from wood which I am very excited about!

Pray for:

-Two of the four LTV's are no longer here/working and we have a massive amount of groups coming this next week, there is going to be a total of 80 people and we're only used to about 45 people with four vollunteers. So just pray for extra energy for me and my fellow LTV Alex to tackle the groups! 

-The continuation of deeper relationships with the Gutemalans here and for God to really bless my Spanish becuase I'm currently not very good at it

-That God would just openen the eyes of the groups that are here for a short period of time.



  1. How have I never seen this blog before?? Lol. We must not have been speaking? Anyway, I am so happy you took time to write this!! The deforestation DOES sound amazing - I was thinking that when you first mentioned it (Dinnah would LOVE that!!). It sounds like it would be spirit calming. :) I am so glad you found your purpose in the beginning and that you feel blessed and needed there... soak up all that wisdom and presence of God and bring some of it back with you to share with the rest of us. ;) Love you so much and am incredibly proud of your willingness to go and hard work you are doing for his kingdom. I will sit down right now and pray for these things you have listed. <3

    1. Awwww thanks baba you are seriously the best!! Yeah I started it is AU and decided that I was only gong to blog about life when I wasnt in America haha. I dont post it on fb all the time, just every now and again :)

  2. My favorite part of Reforastation is the mandatory game of categories and "who would you rather". :)

    I couldn't agree more about how GREAT the lack of computer/cell phone, and the excess of downtime, is. I've been back for 2 weeks and got right back into my bad habits of stress, constant internet surfing, and go go go. I just want to fill dirt bags, drink Coca-Cola, play Phase 10, and read books! Enjoy the rest of your time there, San Lucas is such a special little piece of the world. You are doing good for the people there, know that. It was such fun to meet you and get to know you and I look forward to seeing you back in MN soon!

    Miss you friend. Hope you kept Fr. Brian in line after we left :)

    1. jenny! thanks for that reminder, after being here awhile its easy to forget that allll that down time is actually a blessing! haha I cant wait for our reunion, it will be so sweet!! :)
