Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Things I will miss greatly about San Lucas:
1. friendly people and children
2. greeting everyone you see on the streets
3. lake atitlan and the gorgeous boat ride across it
4. fresh squeezed orange juice
5. the panadaria (the bakery)
6. not doing my hair or shaving haha
7. our neighbors of whome weve named bear
8. being surrounded my mountains and volcanoes
9. not having a cell phone or computer
10. barganing down prices
11. the wonderfulo people ive been blessed to meet and know through the mission
12. clear blue skys and stars i can see
13. going with the flow everyday, never planning anything
14. fiestas in the community and also on our roof top
15. real coca cola in a glass bottle
16. no worries or responsibilities apart from being in this place
17. learning fun new games with people
18. perfect weather in the mornings
19. walking everywhere and never driving
20. hotel toliman (a gorgeous place to eat)
21. random new adventures
22. tuk tuks
23. getting plenty of sleep every night
24. cheap beer and food
25. working at the projects
26. funny spanglish converstaions
27. fresh fruit and amazing guac

Things I will not miss about San Lucas:
1. barking scary mangy dogs
2. roosters that start to crow at 3 am every morning
3. our neighboring goose that honks alll the time
4. the water and having amebeoas (i currently have them, my second time...)
5. poop all over the streets
6. not knowing the language (ive told people thank you for hugging me in spanish, instead of thank you for teaching me a few times this past week, found that out after i had said it bahaha)
7. lack of hugs. i miss hugs
8. washing all my laundry by hand and waiting for them to dry (its the rainy season so this is about a three day process)
9. the dress code
10. dealing with volunteers who are... interesting
11. crazy rains that pour at inconvienent times
12. not being about to do my hair
13. the smellls of fish in the market
14. eating meat of the bone
15. carrying everything with me in a backpack all the time
16. the 9pm curfew and zero night life in town
17. the keyboards, i still dont understand the one im using now hence the lack of punctuation and capatilization haha

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