Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bad at Consistency

I haven't blogged in over a week.  Sorry!  I'll try & be better about it... so Just gonna lay down some summaries!

Thursday(3rd):  Had lectures/classes and went to the Student Life weekly meeting, had dinner with the crew, then headed to work for the night!

Friday(4th):  Day off of School, woot!  Went to work for a bit then headed down to Central Station to pick up Carrie & her sister Christi who were staying with me for the weekend!  We headed back to my place for a bit then up to the Rocks!  We attempted to figure out the buss systems but failed so we ended up just walking.  We had PANCAKES ON THE ROCKS! Best invention ever.  Had Chocolate pancakes with cherries :)  We walked down to Sydney Harbor & saw the Opera House at night.  So beautiful!

Saturday(5th): Got up early and went to the farmers market alone since the girls wanted to sleep it. Then we all headed to the Royal Botanical Gardens (actually took the bus this time).  Stopped in Hyde Park to eat our PB&J, then Carrie accidentally ate her lip ring... so we wandered around the city looking for a place to buy a new one! Then we went back to they Harbor so Christi could see the Opera House during the day.  We had grand plans of going to the beach but it was a pretty cold/cloudy day so we decided not to.  We headed back to my place to change then went out for some Pizza!  We decided to stop & get some Diet Cokes on the way back to complete the wonderful plethora of chocolate that awaited us in my room.  We snuggled and watched Sense & Sensibility.  Perfect girls night!

Sunday(6th): We all went to Eternity Church & out for some Thai food after the service.  Then I showed the girls the Gelato shop I work at and we all got some Gelato!  Then a bird pooped on me on our walk back.  I swear the bird here hate me.  Then the girls packed up and we just chilled in my room.  I saw the girls off at the bus station and they were on their way back to Canberra!  I spent the rest of the day reading... little did I know that I had like 150 pgs to read for the next day... haha

Monday(7th):  Had my first Tutorial, there were only lectures the first week.  It went pretty good.  Its slightly intimidating because we're supposed to chime in in discussion and talk in our tuts, but I hate talking in classes, so looks like I'm just going to have to learn to get over my fear! haha  After classes for the day I went to a Student Life leadership meeting.  I'm not a leader but they told me to come anyways so I did!  It was really fun, I got to meet some other leaders on other nearby campuses.  We talked about the vision of Student Life and what we want our group to represent/be apart of.  Then they asked if I wanted to be apart of their team!  So looks like I'm all for Student Life! :D

Tuesday(8th): Classes & stuff.  Went to weekly prayer at Eternity, twas refreshing and inspiring.

Wednesday(9th): Class, Student Life prayer meeting, work.  Then I got to have coffee with Katrina, a woman from church.  She's pretty awesome!  Our coffee extended to bringing some dinner back to my place where she convinced me to go to a Hip Hop dance class with her!  So I did!  It was really fun, I was the only non experienced dancer there so I looked really dumb but I didn't care! haha

Thursday(10th): Fullll day of classes & tuts.  4 Lectures, 2 tuts!  Another Student Life meeting & eating.

Friday(11th):  Worked.  Went over to my friend Erin's house.  Erin is on staff with Student life.  She actually studied abroad here and ended up loving it so much that she raised support and came back to be a missionary!  Her life tempts me to do the same... we'll see where God leads!  Had dinner at her place the just chilled and watched TV.  Felt goo just to sit and stare at a screen for a while!  Then we decided that we needed to learn some break dancing moves.  Good thing she had an instructional video! haha They're having a hip hop party in a few weeks so we were practicing our moves!  We stayed up late talked & I spent the night at her place.

Saturday(12th):  Erin & I made scones in the morning, then she had a ton of cleaning to do & since I love cleaning I decided to help her out!  Then we did some grocery shopping.  She brought me to a new suburb called Leichherdt that I had never heard of.  It was so cute! AND they had an Aldi so everything was so cheep!  I had been scheduled to work but my friend Bec was turning 21 so I had asked for the night off.  I was waiting for the call to say I was free but it never came so Erin just dropped me home so I could get ready for work.  Then my manager called & I had the night off!  So we headed off to Becs!  Bec lives about an hour away near Mt. Druitt so we had a little trek to go on.  It was such an amazing party!  Turning 21 is a HUGE deal here!  They actually view it as like a huge step into adulthood so they go allll out.  There were about 100 people there all dressed up in the given theme of "Latin".  There were teachers instructing us how to do the cha-cha, the the cockroach song and others.  It was such a fun night!  We left at about 11:30 and ended up getting lost... we had no idea where we were so Erin decided to pull over and call a friend.  Then this car pulled up next to us and there were two guys telling her to roll down her window so she did (as I was thinking WHAT IS SHE DOING? We are going to die.)  Then this scene happend:

Guys: Hey can you take us to jfskdjfh?
Erin: No....?
G (2 of them talking spastically and finishing each others sentences) :  Aren't you a taxi, I thought you were a taxi?  Why cant you take us there?  Why aren't you a taxi?
Erin:  No, we're not a taxi sorry.... (this is when I look down and notice that it was a cop car... and they were cops!).
Cops:  Oh that's funny. (points to a sign stating: No stopping zone.  Taxis ONLY.)
Erin: OH, i'm so sorry I just really lost and I pulled over to call a friend, i'm sorry.
Cops (noticing our accents):  Oh where are you trying to go?  It sounds like you're trying to go to Canada?  Are you going to Canada?  Don't ask us how to get to Canada, we don't know how to get there. You're screwed if you're trying to get to Canada.  I don't know how people get there...  So where are you trying to go?
Then the cops were nice enough to get us directions home and not give us a fine.  The entire time I was trying so hard not to laugh.  It was such an odd combination of thinking, they're hilarious, but they're cops so just look scared so they don't give us a ticket... lol We ended up getting home safely!

Sunday(today):  Got up went to church.  There was a potluck after church, so good!  Then a bunch of us decided to head to the beach!  I convinced one of the guys to give me surfing lessons so I got my first one today!  It was absolutely a perfect day for the beach.  We went to Maroubra which is about a half our drive away.  The tide was really heavy so we weren't able to go out for very long.  I was able to get on my knees though so that was cool!  Then we played some beach volleyball & swam around.  At one point I was sitting on a rock looking at all the different things growing on it, then a huge wave came and dominated me.  I got dragged down the bumpy rock so now I've got some bad scratches and bruises down my back, no blood tho so that's a plus!  My elbow unfortunately did bleep, but it didn't bleed for too long.  A short while after that we decided to head home.  I got back and did a bit of reading, I was so tired that I literally fell asleep on my book, then migrated toward my bed.  Unfortunately I woke up about 2 hrs ago with my back & elbow burning in agitation and an upset stomach so I haven't been able to get back to sleep.  It's about 2:30 here so I'm hoping it'll go away soon...  I might go finish some of my readings.  This is going to be a packed week!

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