Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Coke + Gelato = Hapiness

Today was a pretty easy day for me.  I only had one Lecture at 10am!  It was the first lecture for my Love in Different Languages class.  It was quite interesting, there are four prof's specialized in four different areas of love.  At first I was quite hesitant about taking this course at a public school but after hearing the introduction I think it will be really good for me to hear every perspective.  There's even a gay professor so I'll get to hear that viewpoint too.  I feel like this class is going to force me out of my comfort zone and speak up for what I believe in.  After that I met up with Sophia to head to the Student Life Luncheon meeting.  We all had pizza and just hung out for a little while.  Then one of the members gave a mini testimony of how Student Life has inspired her life.  Then we just hung out and talked for a little while.  One of the girls was going to do some more surveys and since I didn't have anything going on she invited me to join so I did!  Surveying today wasn't as productive as it has been in the past. The two girls we were able to talk to had deep convo's but by the end they weren't open whatsoever about hearing more about the gospel.  At least we got them thinking, hopefully planted a seed!

After that I headed to the Copy center.  Here each class has like a manuel of a mixture of readings for the course so I went and bought mine.  As I was waiting in line the girl in front of my was drinking a coke.  I had never wanted a Coke so bad in my entire life!  I haven't really had any pop since I've been here.  So after the copy center I headed straight to 7 eleven to get my Coke.  The minute I took the first sip it was like a flood of memories hit me.  At pretty much every single family or Eritrean gathering Coke and Sprite are the only drinks of choice.  Just that one sip of Coke made me miss my family so much!  And miss the entire Eritrean community and youth group too!  As I walked back to my dorm I savored those memories with each sip of savory Coke.

I spent the rest of the afternoon filling my planner with due dates from classes and such.  I started doing some homework on the bus systems too. They're really intense and kind of scare me, but Carrie and her sister Christi are coming to visit this weekend so I feel like I should be well informed!

Then I headed to Gelato Blu for my second trial.  Everyone working was so happy to see me back!  When Fatni, the manager, stepped out of the room one of the girls told me that I was going to he hired tonight!  So it was easy for me to be super happy and friendly the rest of the night!  It's such a fun shop to work at! There are so many regulars that everyone in the shop just know and love.  I got introduced to so many people in the community tonight, and although I don't remember any of their names, I'll have at least a few more familiar faces around! :)

Tomorrow's my busy day with 4 lectures and a tutorial.  Lot's of sitting.  We'll see how that works out... till then I'm going to marinate in my happiness :)

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