Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm a Liar

Consistency in my blogging abilities haven't changed... hahaha  On to more summaries, this weeks been a crazy one!

Tuesday (15th):  Alicia and Gina, two girls who go to Substance Church back in MN arrived today!  They were supposed to arrive in the morning but their flight was majorly delayed, then they got lost in Sydney so I spent most of the day worried about them.  They got to my place safely eventually and all was well!  Then I was off to a Prayer meeting at Eternity.

Wednesday (16th):  Gina &Alica took me out to breakfast as a 'thank-you' for letting them stay with me.  It was absolutely delicious.  Biggest breakfast I've had in my entire life.  Hands down.  Then I had class, Prayer meeting on campus, Bible study, work.  Exciting I know. haha

Thursday (17th): Class, Student Life meeting and dinner afterward.  I met these three other unit students that are from the East Coast USA (Gavin, Michael and Zach) that are here for the semester as well and they live only two buildings over from me!  I also met another Psych student who is in one of my classes.  Although I've never seen here and probably will never see her in class because our class is massive... but at least I know her!

Friday (17th):  No class day, yay!  I wasn't really able to sleep in because Alicia & Gina were up early, they're going to the Colour Conference at Hillsong this weekend so they were up pretty early most mornings.  Went to work (accidentally cut myself... I've shed a lot of blood this week haha).  Then Gavin, Micheal & Zach invited me over for dinner.  They made me a fabulous chicken Parmesan with veggies, garlic toast and all!  It was fun to hang out and get to know them better.  They are really great people.  Then they introduced me to Liz & Xavier, two of their other friends.  Xavier was going to a Dub Step concert and invited us along so Zach and I decided to join them!
          We got to the concert at about 10pm and the line was ridiculously long.  We waited for about an hour but the club was at full capacity so they sent us all away.  I was really looking forward to just dancing.  So we all decided to hop on over to a pub (most pubs here are pubs&clubs so they have dj's and dancing) that way we were all able to get our dance fix! Got home around 3ish

Saturday (18th):  Up at 7:30! Had planned on hiking in the Blue Mountains but it was really cold and rainy out so we decided not to go there.  Instead Erin, Tamisha, Ricardo and I (all church buddies) decided to go to a different National Park about an hour south of Sydney.  We were attacked by leeches pretty much the ENTIRE time we were hiking.  It was war and we were loosing badly.  Since it was super rainy and damp they were allllll coming out.  We had to stop for leech checks every 5 steps literally.  After awhile we lost our temper with the leeches and decided to run the rest of the way back.  Got my work out in!  After that we went out to lunch down by Coogee beach!
        By the time we got back to Erin's place we all just wanted to shower so I headed home and did so.  I was going to go back over there for dinner but I ended up taking a nap that lasted four hours.... going on a hike when one is already extremely lacking in sleep is purely tiring!!  So I didn't end up going back there.  Instead I headed over to Zach/Gavin/Michal's because their roommate was throwing an Iranian New Years Eve Party!  It was truly a beautiful experience.  There were people from all over the world present USA, Africa, Mexico, England, France, AU, China and Sri Lanka (from what I know of).  It was just so cool to sit around a dinner table with the world and just chat.  After a while we played some pool, then like three different card games and ended the night with a movie.  It is such a blessing to finally know people who live closer to me!  So far most of my friends are Aussies who all live quite awhile away so it's hard to just hang.  But now I have hanging friends!

Sunday (20th):  Zach decided to come to church with me which was awesome!  Gavin & Michael are planning on coming to church next week too.  Love church buddies!  After church Zach and I headed to a Refugee Detention Center called Villawood which was a little over an hour away by train.  Zach had gone the week before with a group of people he had met and we met up with them this week too.  It was an amazing experience.  We mostly just hung out and played games with them.  The majority of the people I spoke to were from Sri Lanka and have been in the Detention Center for 1-3 years, Never leaving the grounds.  The AU gov. system is one of the hardest in the world to gain residency to.  These detention centers are like jails for innocent people.  It was heart breaking.  I spoke to grown men who sit and cut themselves to feel alive.   One guy had even said it was just so easy to commit suicide and it would probably be better than staying at the center.  There are tons of people who commit suicide in these centers every year.  It was so heart breaking.  Most of the people there didn't speak english but there was a Sri Lankan girl in the group that was able to translate for us.   It was just cool to be able to play cards and have a random dance party with them.  I could tell it meant the world to them just to have a new face around, someone new to talk to and someone to just do something with them.  I'm hoping to go there more often.  Often time visitors will bring them Coke, Cereal, cookies and some basics.  Next time I go I'm definitely bringing them presents!
         By the end of the day I was completely emotionally and physically exhausted.  We got back home around 7:30 and I just showered and relaxed for a bit.  Alicia and Gina were at a nearby restaurant and had ordered a dessert pizza they wanted to share with me, so I headed down there to hang out with them for a bit.  It's been really nice having them as roommates, they've been a huge blessing to me!

Monday (today): Had classes & did readings.  I'm still really tired.  Almost fell asleep in the majority of my classes today.  Pretty sure a kid sitting behind me got a kick out of my "nodding" head as I was struggling to stay awake.  Alicia and Gina are leaving today, in a couple hours.  I am really looking forward to sleeping on a bed again. It's raining right now.  It's been raining for about three days straight and the forecast says it's going to rain every day this week.  I love rain :)
Now I'm just going to have a chill night.  I need to catch up on some "me" time and some cleaning and some homework and some sleep.  A lot of sleep. haah

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