Thursday, May 5, 2011


I was sooo keen on pulling so many all nighters this week and and DEFEATING school, when in reality I just ended up getting sick and therefor completely defeated by sickness and school.  Double whammy.

I was able to totally murder my Pych 1001 essay but the day after I turned it in I woke up feeling horrible.  I've spent the majority of the last three days in bed, drinking tea, eating oats and attempting to gather up some brain energy to work on my other major papers due this week but it's mostly been a fail.... there's just too much sinus pressure in my head.  It basically hurts to move my body or my head and my throat's soar so eating & breathing hurts too.  I just keep telling myself that in exactly one week all of my assignments will be done, turned in and presented, I will be feeling all better, Carrie will be back to visit and it shall be my birthday! So much happiness in one weekend, it's overwhelming to think about it! :)

Until then it's back to bed & more reading & writing.  This is the first weekend in a longggg time where I literally have absolutely nothing planned (not including one shift at work).  It's peace and rest time.

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