Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Heavy Ration of Rain

So, I know you're all so curious as to what our adventure was attempting to discover last Saturday...

We started out at a beautiful lookout about an hour or so out of the city, it was cloudy but it was still a pretty sweet look out over Sydney.  Then we made our way to Dee Why Beach where we planned to explore the land to discover where this treasure might lay.

We looked high and low, in the ocean, across the sands and even through the near by bush but alas there was no hope.  What is this treasure you might ask?  Ok so it's not really treasure... well kinda but not really. So Erin and Jess have been watching AU Master Chef and one of the contestants are rather good looking....

He works as a life guard at Dee Why beach and we were hoping to find him there... hahah I know we're stalkers but it gave us a really entertaining laugh to attempt to actually find him!

After that we made our way up the northern beaches, to Whale Beach, Palm Bach and a few others.  Basically spent the whole day walking on beaches, watching sailors and finding hiking trails. It was an absolutely gorgeous day (apart from the clouds) ! We even stuck our fingers in sea anemone's, it feels soo weird!!

We ended the day with going out for steaks (except for I don't like steaks so I just got veggies & mash). I discovered that I finally like green beans!! I have never liked them EVER but now I do! yay!

Sunday I went to church, the worked. Kinda a boring day... Then I finally caved in a got new tea...

Vanilla and Rooibos = love.

Today I went to lectures & tutorials. It's the last week of classes! Whoo!

It has been cloudy for like 5 days now. I miss the sun. It's be POURING rain for about 24 hrs now. The streets and side walks are literally rivers.  I walked down to my gelato shop for some hot chocolate and my greek gelato mama gave me more gelato and cookies and gelato... I told her she was making me fat... her reasoning for making me fat is that now when I go back to America I won't be blown away in all the tornadoes! hahaha I love her.

Now I'm off to check out an African Eatery with David!

Let's hope I don't drown in the side walk! haha

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