Saturday, June 4, 2011

Life is Vivid

Survived the rainy season! yay!

This week's been pretty low key.  It was the last week of lectures and tutorials.  This next week is our Student Vacation before we have 2 weeks of finals.  I only have 3 finals and one final Essay to write. I'm not too stressed about them seeing how I only need to pass my classes.  Plus I'm a procrastinator at heart so come this time next week I may indeed feel differently... but until then I shall enjoy my happiness!

The best word to describe this week would just be fun! Tuesday night I headed over the Erin & Jess' apt and Hayley came over and we made a delicious homemade chicken soup and olive and mint bread. I felt pretty legit cooking an entire meal from scratch... even if Jess was the only one who really knew what she was doing ahah.  Then we all headed over to church for prayer night, which is always refreshing!

Wednesday I ended up skyping my mother for a good 3 hours which was pretty amazing.  That woman is such an inspiration to me.  Words literally cannot describe how honored I am to be her daughter. Seriously.  I just love talking about her to people here too, so people can actually understand how amazing my mother is! The phrase "she is my hero" is so generic but that's how I feel.  That and so much more! So that was really encouraging. Then I headed to work for the rest of the day/night.

Thursday was my very last day of classes! yay! After wards we had our very last Student Life meeting & dinner.  It felt so weird just knowing that it was going to be the last! I feel like it was just yesterday that I walked into the first meeting all nervous and now I'm the one welcoming strangers!  It was the perfect way to end to semester regardless, we just had time to share what God's doing in us and just take time to encourage and pray for one another.  I seriously love my Student Life family!  Then I went over to Jenny's appartment for a lil sleep over!  Hung out with some of her flat mates, played some old skool N64 Mario Kart, oh yea! haha

Friday I stayed at Jenny's till about noon, then I headed home.  I decided to go on a little adventure into Marrackville to find this shop called Supre. I was in a shopping mood but I wasn't in a big city mood so I headed to the suburbs!  It was about 30 min out on a bus.  It was a pretty dodgy area but I had hope!  I eventually found this like factory outlet supre store where everything was ridiculously cheep, right from the factory!  They had like dresses & tanks & sweaters for as low as $1!! I  kinda went crazy there... haha then I headed home lugging two large bags. I got weird looks on the bus haha.  After that I headed over to Zach's apartment & Mikul, Gavin Jenny and I learned how to make homemade pizzas!  They actually turned out ridiculously good, like I would say one it was in the top 5 best pizza's I've ever eaten in my entire life.  That good! After that I headed to work the night away!

Jenny stayed the night at my place and we spent the morning together again, it was nice to have a roommate again! :)  Then I got ready to go see... Yo Gabba Gabba LIVE at the Sydney Opera House!

:D My friend Dave was kind enough to go with me so I wouldn't appear to be so weird going alone haha. It was actually really fun seeing it live! My dream has come true! haha 

Then wen headed to Luna Park (the entrance looks like the pic above... it was horrifying...) which is this amusement park on the North side of Sydney Harbour. We hung out there until it was time for the Vivid Festival to begin which has been like this 3 week festival in Sydney with different artists (Yo Gabba Gabba was a part of the festival) and art instilations all around the general theme of Vivid colours and bringing colour to Sydney! So we caught the train back to the Harbour. We got to watch this HUGE projector light up the entire half of the Opera House, it was SO COOL! It was really hard to capture because we were standing really far away for the best view... but this is kinda what it looked like...

The festival also had many other buildings lite up and had different designs that moved and became 3D, the coolest was the building that would like change exterior colors, it was the most 3D design of them all.. so cool to watch!

Then we headed into the city for some good ol' pub food!

Today is Sunday!  Went to church this morning, which is always a blessing. I love the fact that I have to walk to church.  It is just the perfect amount of time to like clear my head/heart for church. I've probably said this before, but it's just great! Especially when like the sermon was exactly what I was thinking about the entire way to church!! We had some new Aboriginal women who came to church, I got to talk to one of the quite a bit.  They were really nice and they're planning on coming back so I'm pumped to get to know them better!  I've been learning so much about the Aboriginal history more through both sides of the looking glass.  It's really interesting and to be honest so heart breaking. There's so much that even Australians don't know or understand about it.  It really makes me realize how much potential this country has.  Like there's just so much in store for it I can literally feel the anticipation, and not just on a spiritual level. Anywho after church I went out to thai with some church mates!

I love it here.  All of my friends that were once studying abroad are now at home with their families.  At first I was expecting this to make me miss and want to be home even more, but it's honestly just making me love this place even more than before.  Just thinking about saying goodbye to all the amazing friends I've made here brings tears to my eyes, even though I still have 2 months left here I just feel like 2 months is not enough time!! haha Oh well, I'm just going to pray that God brings me back here... sooner rather than later.... :)

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