Sunday, June 12, 2011

Nothin but a Flighter

This past week I've had a ton of "study" time and quite a bit of alone time too, which I have enjoyed quite a bit :)  So there's not a ton to blog about honestly. I can't even remember what I've done this past week.  But I'm going to try....

Last Thursday I spent the majority of the day just chillin, this is when I legit started studying for Exams.  Most organized stuff and listened to missed lectures and such.  That night I headed over the Justine's house for a lovely little Bible study// dinner with some ladies from church.  She lives in Marrackville which is just one suburb over so it wasn't a long trek to get there.  She has the cutest little house!  It was like perfectly warm and she lit candles and it was probably the most fun Bible study I've ever been to in my entire life!  There were about six of us total ranging from 21-28 years old (I was the youngest :) ) haha We started off the evening just chatting about life and catching up on particular love lives while eating a delicious lentil soup that Justine made herself.  Other people brought chips, dips, pita bread, chocolates, cookies and delicious wine.  Let's just say it was a bit of a feast :)  After we had laughs over dinner we preceded to make Cake in a mug!  Yes, it's possible to make cake in the microwave in a mug!  We all got our mugs and added our ingredients and popped them in the microwave and watched the batter rise! They were actually terribly delicious cakes and we topped it off with some ice cream!  After that we read a Bible passage and Justine lead the study, it was really interesting and laid back.  We all just sipped wine together and talked about Jesus and his promises.  Not just like Sunday school answers but in relation to real life, with real emotions. It was just so laid back and relaxing and encouraging. I loved it!

Friday & Saturday were chill study days.  It rained the majority of those days, in fact the majority of this entire week. I miss the warmth of the sun!  Although it has been amazing falling asleep to heavy rain every night!  On Friday I wrote and entire final essay for my Love in Different Languages course.  It was actually pretty awkward and difficult to write because it was on the transformation of gay/lesbian definitions of love into society.  My professor is also a lesbian so it was hard making sure nothing I said would offend her, seeing how she would be the one grading my paper but at the same time I didn't want to sound super supportive of that life style.  It was a hard medium to portray, but it's done.  I am grateful for that!
On Saturday Church was having a 24 hours of prayer event going on and I signed up with my mate Hayley to pray for one of the hours.  It was really awesome, I don't know Hayley all that personally so it was nice to just talk through life and pray for eachother.  We were the only people in the room the whole time so it was just relaxing and chill.

Sunday, went to church.  It was an awesome church day, I'm honestly going to miss this church and these people so much when I leave!  It's crazy how much I've gotten so much closer to them in just the past two weeks!  On the way to church I listened to Explosions in the Sky. I. Love. Them.  It was just so relaxing and honestly just purifying.  It was also raining and I love walking in the rain so it was a perfect morning. After church I lingered as long as possible, seeing how I didn't want to go get my study on. A handful of us just stuck around church for like an hour and just chatted and ate brownies. 'Twas a good time!  After that they all went out for Thai food but seeing how I'm broke and really should study I decided to go with my better judgement and head home.  I spent the rest of the day listening to more lectures and creating a study guide for my History of Psychology and Philosophy class.

Today is Monday and it is the queen's birthday.  I appreciate the day off but I seriously think it is the dumbest excuse for a holiday, I mean really? A birthday? Haha I'm basically just frustrated that everything is closed and I'm out of food... haha I've been doing a lot more procrastinating today (hence the writing of this blog) because I need to finish the Philosophy side of my study guide and it's confusing so I'm ignoring the fear I have that I will never understand it and then fail this course.  Philosophy's never been my thing...  and I'm horrible at tests so the fact that it's worth 60% of my grade scares me even more. So fight or flight? I'm definitely a flighter. But I shall build up the mental confidence to conquer this Exam tomorrow morning!  (prayers would be very appreciated...)

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