Friday, June 24, 2011

Tea? Check.

SO last week was quite the stressful week. I had one final essay and three exams to do. I pulled a total of 3 all nighters in like 5 days! haha I took a break midway through the week to watch the 2nd Origin footy game with David & a bunch of his mates (it's a series of 3 games New South Wales vs. Queensland and it's a HUGE deal. Basically it's like the all-star players of each state against each other and it's like the superbowl(s) of the National Rugby League). It was a super intense game and the perfect study break!  I worked most of last weekend.  On Friday my buddy Micheal from Canberra was on his way home and stopped by Sydney to spend the day with me.  It was really fun to catch up with him and just be stupid together haha. Then on Saturday night it was my friend Jess's 21st birthday party which was hippie themed so I gathered all of my hippie clothes and threw them on.  I love being a hippie. Probs fav thing ever! Here's a photo of a few of us:

The I went to church & work on Sunday, pulled another all nighter studying, took my last exam on Monday morning and slept literally alll day on Monday!  By Tuesday I just didn't feel like really doing anything so I basically just bummed around, skyped some family & friends and did some cleaning to my already OCD room. On Tuesday night I headed over to Erins/Jess's/Ricardo(who just got home from his Navy duties yay!!) for dinner, then hopped next door for some prayer :)

Wednesday was another chill day I slept in then had lunch with Erin.  She is seriously such a blessing to me, every moment I'm with her I am just so encouraged not only by her words but by who she is as well.  After lunch I was feeling creative so I took my camera on a long walk, kinda working on a mini project that I'll tell you about more on a later date.  I also found the most gorgeous cemetery I've ever seen en my entire life of which you will also hear more about later!
After that I met up with Katrina from church for a tea date. We're both huge chai tea fans (the chai tea here beats American chai tea by like 50 million points, that's the only way I can justify spending money on it! haha). We split a piece of some amazing chocolate cake (the desserts here also beat American desserts but only by about 45 million, but they still win).  It was a lovely date, we just chatted about life for a good three hours. So relaxing.  Then we both headed over to the church, I helped her come up with some creative ideas for the Sunday morning announcement slides!  Then she had to head to dance, then Erin and Ricardo got home just in time!  We hung out, made dinner, ate dinner, and counted all of Ricardo's change haha such a good time :)  I spent the night there & had some legit pillow talk with Erin. I love pillow talk and sleepovers. I know, I'm such a girl, but it's the truth. How can you not like it?!

Thursday morning I slept in a bit then headed home for a short bit.  Then I met up with three girls from Student Life to celebrate the end of the semester. We had a thai lunch and had a good chat. I headed back to my room and chillaxed for a bit then headed over the Max Brenners Choclatier Bar for a little chocolatey fix with my mate Kaz from church.  It was so good to just spend time with her actually talking about life. Like I see her at church every Sunday but actually knowing someone for who they are is so much better! We ended up staying there chatting for a really long time.  Then Marlon came wandering in with a few of his friends. Kaz had gotten in contact with two other girls and the five of us decided to have a thai dinner together!  It was such a fun and spontaneous night!   Such great people, such great laughs and more hang outs planned for the future!  By the time I got home I was so exhausted (Erin doesn't have the best bed so I didn't get a lot of sleep the night before).

Today is Friday, Friday, lets get down on Friday!  Actually I did the exact opposite. haha I had pretty bad night terrors so I woke up extremely exhausted and didn't really feel like doing anything today. I ended up packing about half of my belongings... and there's def not enough room in my luggage for the other half of my stuff... this shall be interesting.  I got to skype Justin and Liz which was good to catch up with those cool cats! Went grocery shopping & had another tea date. (can you tell tea dates are seriously my favorite!?). I plan on spending the rest of tonight chillin and watching movies & hopefully catching up on some legitimate sleep. Tomorrow I get to move out of SUV. I am VERY excited about that. I get to have flatmates again!  Living alone has really taught me a lot about myself... but I'm ready to be done with this lesson and live with people again!! :)

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