Tuesday, June 7, 2011

City Lights & Sunrise

This week is already going way to fast!  I feel like these next two weeks are going to be gone before I know it, there's just so much to do in the mean time!

On Monday we had a little Spiritual Birthday party with Student life at AJ and Kyrin's place. They have a roof top with an awesome view of the city, it kinda looks like this:

Of course it was more amazing in real life, but that's just a snap shot! :)
Anyways the party was really cool, I had no idea what to expect because well I had never been to a spiritual birthday party before!  Basically there was tons of food and treats and we were celebrating 6 different people from 4 different campuses who have given their lives to Christ through Student Life.  What a cool idea!  We got to hear each of their testimonies and they were given devo books, chocolate and cards that everyone signed.  I volunteered to bake a cake... :)
It was a fun night to catch up with friends from other campuses that I haven't gotten to see since Connexions a few months ago.  I'm so excited that I actually get to see them again when I go to the Mid-Year Conference! yay!

I woke up bright and early on Tuesday morning and caught a bus at 5:40 AM to head to Coogee beach to watch the sunrise! I took my journal, Bible and Ipod and it was all I needed! I climbed to the top of some rocks and sat there for a little over an hour just journaling, listening to worship and reading me Biblia.  It was so refreshing, not to mention beautiful!! I have never actually gotten up to watch the sunrise on a beach before.  It was perfect :)

Then I stopped by a cafe and had some french toast cuz it's my fav. and I've grown quite accustomed to sitting down and having a cup of coffee or a meal someplace random all by my self. I used to feel so awkward going out basically anywhere by myself and now I love it!
Then I took a wee nap and spen the arvo doing a bit of deep cleaning& studying.
Around dinner time I headed over to Erin & Jess' place and Marlon joined us, we did some groceries and made and devoured a delicious meal.  After dinner we just hung out listening to music and working on a certain little surprise for a certain friend of ours :)

Today's been a chill day.  I've organized everyday for the next two weeks:
It is color coded and all. The purple highlights fun things I get to do and the yellow is all Uni work.  Not much fun in my future! haha

Well off to write an Essay now!

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