Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mr. Golden Sun

Wednesday: Checked out Sydney Harbor, uploaded lots of pics!  I've decided that for the first few weeks here I'm allowed to take ridiculous pictures like a tourist... but after that I'm going to become a native. We didn't have enough time to explore all of the Botanical gardens so that'll have to be for another day.  We walked through a small portion of it and by the looks & smells of things I feel that it could occupy my entire day.  Walking around downtown is so fun, there is a new surprise around literally every corner!  One thing I've noticed is that Aussies don't waist space.  Everywhere you look they have turned something ordinary, such as pretty much all of their boardwalks and under bridges, into something extraordinary!  It's so inspiring, I wish I had some sort of means to create art here but I had to leave all the paints & fabrics at home... lol.  At the end of the night I had a migraine so I just watched a movie in my bed and had an early bed time.

Thursday:  Woke up early for a job interview!  Unfortunately it was a commission job and I know it would just be a waste of time, soI tured it down & I'm still searching.  It was finally SUNNY like all day!! The forecast had said it was going to storm in the evening to we resisted the temptation to head to the beach.  We spent a lot of time just laying outside reading book, magazines & listening to music in the park.  I found out that it cost $4.50 to wash a load of laundry & like $1.50 for every 8min. of drying clothes... so I just hand washed all of my clothes in the shower with me and hung them up to dry!  I felt so funny showering with all my clothes around me, my mother would be proud!! haha

Today:  Somehow I still wake up at 8am every morning like clockwork.  I guess I'll appreciate that once classes begin but for now I wish I could just sleep in!  Orientation doesn't begin until Monday still... I'm becoming impatient (once again learning patience!!).  I haven't been in a classroom for 2 months now.  Normally around this time in the summer I'm going crazy waiting for school to start so it makes sense that I'm getting anxious.
Well we're off to try the beach today (although the sky is completely gray and doesn't look to promising.. .) let's hope for the best!

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