The rest of Sunday I decided to head to the Royal Botanical Gardens and spend some alone time. I knew it was a long walk to begin with, but I ended up getting lost so it took me a little over an hour to walk there... haha. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! The scents alone were enough to make me feel like I was in heaven! I uploaded a lot of the flowers with mini bios about them on FB (I miss learning so I decided to take some notes on each one!). I also happened to run into film festival that was happening in the park. There were hundreds of people on their blankets surrounding three main screens and a stage! They had a few bands playing so I decided to stay for two of them. I ended up getting to the very front of the crowd and the band was really good! I thought about staying for the films but since I had been walking all day and couldn't feel my feet/legs I decided it would be a good idea to head home before I got too exhausted!
Monday: I had orientation from 9-4. We were in the great hall which literally reminded me of Harry Potter! haha It was in the Quadrangle which is a sure building with a grass court in the center. It's absolutely beautiful! After that I decided to print off some more resume's, had some dinner then headed down to King street with a smile to talk to some more managers farther down the street. By the end of the day I was pretty tired so I went back to my room, skyped Carrie and found out that she is going to be visiting me from Wednesday afternoon- Sunday afternoon! I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE HER!!!!! I've got orientation week all week but it's stuff we get to do when we want so I can work my stuff around our plans! Now I just need to start planning our amazing weekend, there's just soooo much in Sydney I want her to see I don't know where to begin!! After that I watched a movie, played some tetris and went to bed.
Today: I had orientation from 9-noon today. Today they explained academic info more specifically. A lot of international students don't have the classes they want approved yet or have clashes in their schedules etc so it was more for them. I have all of my classes that I needed and wanted approved. I also found out that I have the BEST schedule ever!! None of my classes begin before 10am, I'm done by 3 on Mon, Tues & Thurs; done by noon on Weds and no classes on Fridays!! This is gonna be a gooood semester :)
After all that I went to the library to print off my sched and a few more resumes to go to Broadway (which is a longer walk away, but there are more shops & opportunities there). I headed back to my room for some lunch & received a call from a Gelato Shop that liked my resume!! I had spoken to the manager briefly yesterday when I was walking down King street, and the same manager had called me today! She invited me in for a trial run (here they don't have interviews, they invite you in for a trial run for about 3 hrs where they teach you what you need to know in the first hour then watch & judge your performance for the other 2 hrs, then at the end of your trial they tell you weather or not you've been hired). So on Thursday night I've got my first trial! I really hope I get to work there. It's owned by and Italian family & the manager let me know that I was the only one that was going to be hired outside of the family, which made me feel pretty good! :)
Now I'm about to have lunch, then around 3 Marls (who I thought was named Miles for the past 3 days... his full name is Marlon but people call him Marls, which with the Aussie accent translates to what sounds like Miles. Accents are confusing lol) who I met at church this last Sunday, has invited me to hang out & meet his housemates, all of which go to Sydney Uni so I'm excited to make some new friends!
I feel like everything is starting to fall into place. It's funny how once I just let go & let God he amazes me every time!
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