Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Carrie is here!!! :D

It's Orientation week this week!  All the newbees are going around to all the different clubs & the stations they have set up all over campus.  There are literally hundreds of them!!  Since I've already gotten to know the campus quite well & have already join a Christian group on campus here called Student Life, I decided to stay at the Student Life both & talk to freshmen about Jesus! We were there from 9-4 and what we basically did was ask people to fill out a short 4 question survey in exchange for some candy (how could one resist?!).  The first 2 questions were miscellaneous and the last 2 pertained to faith & Christianity.  So as students filled out the first two we'd start small talk, then by the 3rd we start talking about Christianity & what they believe and so on.  What a brilliant approach! I was able to talk to sooo many people from every religion, and even learned about a few religions I didn't even know existed!  I had talked to the head of this ministry and he told me that 1 in 4 people are seriously interested in knowing more about Jesus, of those who are interested & actually begin to attend classes & club events about half completely give their life to Jesus!  I was amazed at how many people were legitimately interested & curious!  I was also able to meet a ton of other Christians that are apart of the group which was a huge blessing to me as well!

At 4 I headed to Central station and picked up CARRIE! She's visiting me for the weekend.  I haven't seen her in a month!  It's SO nice to have her here and just be our crazy old selves together!  We headed back to my dorm & got settled in then headed out to show her around my area a bit.  We walked down King St. and got some burgers & I showed her the Gelato Shop I might be working at!  Then we headed back to my room & drank the energy drinks she had brought for us.  I haven't really had caffeine in a longgg time so it realllly gave me energy! haha

This morning We're going to head to campus & I get to show Carrie my Hogwarts school :)

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